This website is dedicated to those Fumblers who live in the Midwest. What's a Fumbler you ask? A Fumbler is a person who belongs to the Sarah McLachlan Internet mailing list, Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. Fumblers hail from all over the United States and even the world. We are an ecclectic mix of people, who share a common bond; our love and passion for Sarah and music in general. (for more info on Fumblers, visit our "Fumblers" page.)

So, feel free to look around our site. We've got everything from Fumbler bios to Lilith Fair and concert reviews to upcoming happenings in the Midwest area and links to other great Fumbler sites.

Enjoy and don't forget to sign our guestbook!

Site design by JenniLu Productions
Special thanks to Calli for help with graphics
Site hosted by
Mike and Ann of Fumblers dot Family
Thank you!

Sign our Guestbook    Read our guestbook
Last updated July 11, 2000

Sarah McLachlan

This Fumblers Webring site
(Midwest Fumblers)
is owned by Jenni.

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